This morning after reading the story of the lost sheep, I was considering the “Lost Goat”. Well you know that story about the lost sheep; the sheep actually gets all the publicity. What about the goat. I know, no one wants to tell a happy ending story about a goat, because we all know how stupid a goat can be, but wait I know of a goat that was not that stupid, in fact, that goat was a wise goat, I dear say that that particular goat was wiser than some lost human sheep because, it sort for and returned to its owner.
It was my grand mother’s goat. It got lost when my grand ma took it to cross breed in a neighboring village, the contact who was suppose to let my grandmother’s goat cross breed with her he-goat let the two goat out of sight, maybe assuming that they should get to know each other before they get down to business lol., I wonder what she was thinking anyway maybe a little goat romance, he he he.
Well, it didn’t work that way because my grand mother’s goat took off at the slightest opportunity, and escaped, maybe the she-goat did not like that romantic arrangement and all that stuff, so it took off, wondered and wondered around and got properly lost for a whole week in another village, miles away from my grand ma’s village
All the while, my grand ma was thinking that her goat was doing well cross breeding without any stress since there was no news from the contact. Not to be, because the contact had to come and ask my grand ma, if the she-goat has reached home at last.
After the huge quarrel between my grand ma and her contact, the true search for the goat began. But the goat was not found. Trust my grand ma, to lament and send SOS to all her children in which ever city they were residing, about her precious little she-goat, oh, now lost!
The goat wondered and wondered around and on a very fine day, as told by my grand ma, she was sitting in front of her house with a neighbor’s nine year old child, who always pulls staunch at my grand ma about the lost goat, sometimes she will shout out, “mma mma see, is that not your lost goat coming back” My grand ma will hurriedly run out only to see someone else’s goat or no goat at all. And she will pick a stick and chase the child round the compound. Classical isn’t it.
But on this day, the child said the same thing, and my grand ma said that there was a catch in her voice which made her to respond and come out to see for herself the goat in question, and to her surprise there was actually, a dirty, rough looking she-goat, coming from the entrance of the long road that leads to her compound. The goat will stop, look around, turn back as if to go the other way, but will turn back again in to my grand ma’s
road leading to her compound. By this time my grand ma’ heart was palpitating, and she was whispering to her self and the child, Ah it might be my goat oh, but she is so lean and dirty, come, come goat , is it really you ? just then, she ran into her kitchen, bring out a dry fish and calls out to the goat the way she normally does, and the goat , when it heard its name, came wobbling to my grand ma’s side, not to take the fish, but to sniff my grand ma’s legs and wrapper as a dog would do, it did that for like two to three minutes and after satisfying itself, that this was actually its owner, it then sat down on the floor beside my grand ma and bleat. Off course my grand ma could not contain her tears of joy and she let them flow freely. Her lost goat found her.